WHO: San Antonio Parrot Head Club
WHAT: SAPHC 25th Anniversary - "25 and Staying Alive"
WHERE: Harmony Hills Cabana Club
Address: 339 Fantasia St San Antonio, TX 78216
WHEN: April 6, 2024 - Doors will open at 5:30 PM.
Catered Dinner by Little Italy at 6:00pm
Jerry Diaz and the Reef and the Jonas Lorence Band will entertain you!
Music from 7:00 to 11:00pm
Event is an adult party with BYOB!!
COST: $65 per person. If you cannot be at a Happy Hour to pay in person you can use a link for online payment ($68.050 per person) using the QR Code or go to our SAPHC Square link:
If you pay online be sure to list names of people you are paying for in the "note" area when checking out.
If you want to mail in your payment you can and mail a check (for $65 per person) made out to SAPHC, memo 25th Anniversary Party, include names of people you are paying for and send to
Lori Parker, SAPHC
15118 Winged Foot, Selma, TX 78154
(Must be postmarked by April 1st).